Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Blog Post Assignment 4

Dear Professor Hall,
     I am writing this advice letter on behave of my fellow student.  I have been giving the task as a student teacher to make a "man" think like a man.  I am concerned on the outcome.  Maybe I will not complete my task before his time.  See, he was accused of a crime he did not do; he just was at the wrong place at the wrong time.  Now he is giving the electric chair!  At his court hearing, they called his names, HOG ! Now while being incarcerated, he has a mindset as this hog they labeled him as.  What should I say to him?  What may I teach him?  How can I not run out of time?  If I do not set my goal, I will feel like a failure!  Maybe I can start from the beginning of a young mans life until his current age.  Or maybe I could teach him my way of living as a middle-age, male teacher! I need advice.
                                                                                                                  confused as ever, Grant

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Blog Post Assigment 3

A Lesson Before Dying Chapter 3
1.He explains that he can't change what the court has sentenced him. He says that he can't say anymore than what has already been said. He said that he spoke for Jefferson but the whole time he thought that he did it (committed the crime).
2.He implied that she really didn't mean what she said when she says he doesn't have to go teach him to become a man.
3.Grant had to do chores and Miss Emma had been the cook and the housekeeper at the Pichot's house for many years. Miss Emma had enough and did enough to get him by so he would never have to go back.
4.Emma says she wants to ask Mr. Henri for a favor because he was a boy to the courtroom and she wants a man to go to the chair not hog. She ask Mr. Henri to talk to the sheriff so Grant can teach him in jail. After begging, Mr. Henri agrees to talk to him and Emma threatens to come back everyday until the sheriff accepts.
A lesson Before Dying Questions
Quote: "They called my boy a hog, Mr. Henri,"Miss Emma said." I didn't raise no hog, and I don't want no hog to go sit in that chair. I want a man to go sit in the chair, Mr.Henri."
3.Jefferson was sentenced to death penalty by electrical shock. The court looked at him as a wild animal. She wanted a man to take the consequences not a wild animal.
6. Miss Emma wanted to make the court believe that Jefferson wasn't the "hog" in the chair but a man was being placed there.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Blog Post Assignment 2

     My all time dream is to be working at a 5 tar restaurant.  I have always been passionate in cooking and presentation.  I grew up in the kitchen.  I watched different television shows dealing with food.  I have explored many different types of food.  As I grew older, the idea of cooking began to grow.
     College is the first step to achieving my dream.  I am currently at student at Ben C. Rain High school and we do not have any classes dealing with culinary arts. Even though culinary arts does not require an education, I will still be going to college to get a license.  To avoid deferring my dream, I will push and let nothing stand in my way and I have a dream for my future just like everyone else.  I will do whatever it take to achieve it.  I have a huge plan for the future and I plan to make something of myself.  I will not give!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Blog post assignment 1

Hello my name is SanTeidra Hawthorne. I am a honors student at Ben C. Rain High School. My hobbies are reading, doing choreographed dances, and cooking. My academic goals is to graduate high school with a 80% or higher average and a vigorous GPA. After high school, I plan to go to college for Culinary Arts and Cosmetology. I plan not to take classes in Mobile,AL. I think that some of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's vision of the "American Dream" has not been achieved. There are still some racism going on in America. Most southern states are still against blacks. Us Americans do not all ways have natural rights as he expressed. The government is falling apart slowly. If King was still living, he would be demented!